Orders List


Provides quick access to your orders and their management.

Managing Orders

After you create your first order you will be able to see its details in the orders list and interact with it. The list provides two quick access commands:

  • Edit Order - use the "pen" icon to edit the order details.
  • Print Order Cover Sheet - use the "print" icon to generate a cover sheet for the order. The cover sheet includes a QR code for scanning with the shipit.to scanner application. Using the scanner application you can associate the tracker with the order.

Assigning Trackers to Orders

Shipit.to provides a dedicated mobile scanner application which allows logistics personnel to quickly and easily scan trackers and assign them to any given order. This is done via a two-step process:

1. Scan the tracker's QR code

2. Scan the QR on the order cover sheet

This process automatically creates a shipment assigned to the order, and activates the tracker for it.